restoring hope, restoring community

From Pastors Sergio & Franchesca

We're in awe of God's goodness and faithfulness to our church and to our people. What man said was impossible, God made possible!

Thank you for your support, prayers, partnership, and generosity over the years. We wouldn’t have made it this far without you!

Since we moved to Baltimore, MD in 2022, the lost have been saved, marriages and families restored, individuals healed and delivered, and even the atmosphere in the city has sensed a shift.

God is not done yet. He’s just getting started...


Progress Update!

Incredible improvements have been made to our meeting space thanks to donations given last year along with the support and hands-on work of our servant leaders.

In order to serve you and our community well, we are making improvements to our facility, including:

  • HVAC & Structural renovations

  • Hope Kids ministry space expansion

  • Hope Closet + Hope Cafe

  • and more!

As we come together in faith, sacrifice, and generosity, we know we can accomplish this goal.

For 2024 renovations, we are aiming to raise:


Our partners have pledged $85,800 so far!

Will you consider helping us reach our goal?




Is Hope Center still having services?

Yes! We are still gathering on Sundays at 11am at our home location: 1700 N Caroline St., Baltimore, MD.

How can I help?

Pray for souls to be saved, lives to be transformed, and for the impact this place will have on the city of Baltimore. You can also partner with us in donating towards the renovation costs.

What if I’m a contractor that wants to donate my services?

Please send us an email at so we can learn more about your services and how to best accommodate your generous offer.

How can I give?

You can give via check, cash, transfer/wire, or online through PushPay.